A sprint-like event where participants team up and create solutions to real-life challenges in an intense period of time. Using creativity, technology and mentoring, the week results in prototypes, fresh new concepts and innovation.

  1. Find your teammates. Or apply solo, and ask to be added to a brand new team if you want. Lone wolves are also welcome. 
  2. Register and mark whether you would attend offline or online on the event!
  3. Join us on the 21st of th October and start brainstorming.
  4. Work on your solution with your team.
  5. Feel free to request mentoring on your project from experts.
  6. Submit your project video by 10:00 on the 23rd of October.

  7. Take home your prize!

To submit your project create a 2 minute video pitch, upload it to YouTube and link it on the submission form, along with a GitHub repo. The video can have you talking, a live app demo (if you have one), some cool animation, etc… whatever fits best. Please observe these conditions strictly as in other cases we will unfortunately not be able to evaluate your project.

You can find information about this at the Evaluation process part.

JunctionApp uses an algorithm named Gavel to judge projects. In this pairwise-comparison-based algorithm participants review each other’s projects. The system incorporates a lot of research on mathematical psychology along with fancy math, resulting in a fair and scalable reviewing system. The user is always given two projects to compare, asked to vote for the better one and compare the newer project to the next one (and so forth). This way, one doesn’t have to take in consideration what the absolute perfect, nor what the absolutely worst project would look like. It’s enough to decide the better one of the two that the system suggests. In addition, participants are naturally curious to understand why a certain project has won. Peer reviewing gives them the possibility to overlook other projects and cast their vote for the winners.

The proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

  • 25% – Prototype
  • 20% – Feasibility
  • 20% – Impact/value
  • 20% – Innovativeness
  • 15% – Presentation

Please note that these are the suggested criteria and there may be changes in the percentages or aspects in the different challenges according to the partners’ expectations.

  1. Teams can vote for each other’s projects on the JunctionApp with the Gavel algorithm.
  2. The TOP 8 teams of this voting will be the finalists, who’ll get the chance to present their projects live in 4 minutes each. 
  3. After the live pitches, partners and teams will get the chance again to vote in JunctionApp for their favourite pitch, and the Grand Winner will be chosen by this final voting.

It is possible to win a Challenge Prize, the Grand Prize and the Audience Award. The only thing that’s not possible is winning more than one Challenge Prize, since all of teams can submit their project to no more than one challenge.

The winner of the Audience Award, as its name suggests, is chosen by the audience. Basically, anyone can vote here, whether it’s the long-unseen cousin from France or the kind neighbor next door. In addition, in the audience voting all the teams participate. So if you want to win this prize, then make sure to spread the word on Sunday and share the hackathon with your friends and family.

Yes, you can enter the hackathon for free.

The event’s language is English from start to finish, including the mentorings and the pitch sessions.

Of course. Hackathon requires not only programming and designers, but also various roles including service planning and project managers. Don’t worry and apply!

The event is organized in Budapest, however there is a possibility to join online. We will use an open Slack workspace as the main platform for communication, Junction App for the hackathon submissions and social media for the opening, closing ceremonies and additional programs of the event.

Just simply register via the Junction site and choose ‘No’ when asked if you’re applying as a team.

You can have up to 5 or only 1 team member as you wish, it’s up to you. If you’re looking for brand new team members, head to Slack. If you need additional help please contact someone from our team (e.g.: Vanda_organizer)

Through the website link that paces you to our registration platform.

As a team lead:

    1. Registering via the Junction site, choose Yes when asked if you’re applying as a team.
    2. Click the ☰ icon in the top left corner of the page and go to Team page.
    3. Click „Create a new team”.
    4. The platform will generate a unique team code. Send this to your team members using mail or any other method. It is not possible to share the code directly via Junction.

As a team member:

    1. Registering via the Junction site, choose Yes when asked if you’re applying as a team.
    2. Click the ☰ icon in the top left corner of the page and go to Team page.

Insert the code to „Join an existing team”. If you haven’t received a code from your team lead, ask them to re-check these instructions.
It’s not possible to share through the Junction App, so please share the team code between all team members for example by email.

Yes, you can. After you changed your selection in JunctionApp, please notify the organizers about it via hackathon@crafthub.events.

Since there is a limited amount of space at the venue, unfortunately we can not admit everyone. If you get denied, do not worry! You can still participate virtually using our online platforms like Slack and Hopin.

Didn’t find what you were looking for?

Please contact us at the email address below for any assistance or join our Slack workspace and we will help you out.